During 2017–18, the Walkerton Clean Water Centre (the Centre), as part of its continuous improvement efforts, strengthened its programs to coordinate and provide education, training and information to drinking water system owners, operators and operating authorities, and the public, across Ontario.
The Centre continued to administer and deliver mandatory training on behalf of the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (the Ministry), and developed a new mandatory course, Safe Drinking Water Operator Essentials. To meet clients’ needs, a comprehensive range of specialized training was also offered, including hands-on courses, Small Systems
Workshops, Maintenancefest events, and Drinking Water Quality Management Standard Workshops. The Centre’s quality assurance program ensured that standards were upheld for all training initiatives. During 2017–18, the Centre trained 7,080 participants across Ontario.
During the past year, the Centre played a significant role in supporting the Government of Ontario’s goal to contribute to the improvement of drinking water for First Nations communities. With support from the Ministry and the Centre’s two partners, Keewaytinook Okimakanak of the Northern Chiefs’ Council, and the Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation, the Centre delivered the Entry-Level Course for Drinking Water Operators to 45 operators of First Nations drinking water systems.
The Technology Demonstration Facility provided opportunities for client-driven education, hands-on training and practical pilot projects using various drinking water treatment and distribution technologies. The Centre completed two pilot projects and continued work on five others to provide information on source water quality, treatment performance and alternative treatment technologies. Many of these projects are long-term and commence in a given year with completion in the following year. Centre staff were actively involved in numerous presentations and sharing information with clients regarding the treatment, equipment and operational requirements necessary to ensure that drinking water is safe.
We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the Ministry for offering ongoing assistance and financial support, the Board of Directors for overseeing the Centre’s operations, and Centre management and staff for continuing to ensure Ontario’s drinking water is safeguarded.
Carl Kuhnke,
Chief Executive Officer